Shear Load Connectors
Shear Load Connectors
Concrete structures are designed with expansion and contraction joints at appropiate places to allow movement to take place. Dowels are used to transfer shear load across these joints. The design of the joint is important for the overall design of the structure to function correctly.
The range of Ancon shear load connectors offers significant advantages over plain dowel bars. They are more effective at transferring load and allowing movement to take place. They are easier to fix on-site and can prove to be a more cost-effective solution.
Each connector is a two-part assembly comprising a sleeve and a dowel component. Installation is a fast and accurate process, drilling of either formwork or concrete is not equired. The sleeve is simply nailed to the formwork ensuring subsequent alignment of the dowel, essential for unhindered movement.
They are manufactured from stainless steel to ensure a high degree of corrosion resistance with no requirement for additional protection.
In most cases, dowelled or keyed joints can be replaced by joints incorporating Ancon shear load connectors. They can be used for movement joints in floor slabs, suspended slabs, and for replacing double columns and beams at structural movement joints.
Applications in civil engineering include joints in bridge parapets, bridge abutments and diaphragm wall construction.
DSD and DSDQ Design ProgramFor a given application, the design program will calculate the size and number of connectors required, the edge distance and spacings, and details of the local reinforcement. Click here to download your free copy of the design program. |
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